Chatty GRWM: We are Not Talking, We are Dating

My Instagram followers unanimously decided that it was time to upload to my IGTV. In two polls, I allowed them to choose the topic of discussion as well as the platform of distribution. Suffice to say, they wanted an extension of my most recent blog about relationships, "We're In A Global Pandemic, Your Relationship Must Adapt" and an IGTV upload.

Instead of attempting a staunch sit-down approach, I was in the mood to get glammed and be cute for a minute. Thanks to the coronavirus and subsequent lockdown, getting up, showered, and changed into fresh clothes is a lot harder. Much worse is the idea of putting on makeup. But we move. As a solution, I filmed a chatty get-ready-with-me style video for y'all to enjoy.


The Sun-kissed Series (Vol. 1)


We're In A Global Pandemic, Your Relationship Must Adapt